
September 16, 2018

“”Romulo Delgado was a swarthy and self-indulgent Duke, whose La donna è mobile was the sparkling tenor showcase that Verdi intended it to be.”

( Opera Canada )

April 29, 2017

“As the brigadier Don Jose, tenor Romulo Delgado was in fine voice. A beautiful instrument with power to spare. Mr. Delgado’s rendition of “La fleur que tu m’avais jetee” was delightfully tender and emotionally laden.”

( Greg Finney, Schmopera )

March 4, 2017

” She was equally matched by Romulo Delgado’s Cavaradossi whose soaring E lucevan le stelle packed an emotional punch. Jessica Lane and Romulo Delgado made a believable romantic pair who were equally matched vocally and dramatically”

( Opera Canada )

November 5, 2016

“She was partnered by tenor Romulo Delgado as Cavaradossi, whose warm, clarion sound with an easy top was a pleasure. His “E lucevan le stelle” was a highlight of the evening”

(Musical Toronto, Joseph So )

December 2, 2013

“El mundo lírico se encontró con la música latina en el homenaje a Giuseppe Verdi.

Rómulo Delgado brilló en la noche con increíble talento”

~ Raul A. Pinto (Toronto Hispano)

“The lyric world of opera met with latin american music in the tribute gala to Giuseppe Verdi.

Romulo Delgado shone through the night with incredible talent”

Raul A. Pinto (Toronto Hispano)

January 22, 2013

“Romulo Delgado ist ebenso eine Idealbesetzung: Er gibt den Mario Cavaradossi kraftvoll, mit seinem atemberaubend schönen “baritonalen Timbre”, viel Schmelz und Italianità”” (Opernwelt)

“Romulo Delgado is ideal in the role of Mario Cavaradossi with his strong and beautiful “baritonal sound” with so much bloom and italianate timbre” (Opernwelt)

November 5, 2011

Romulo Delgado as Pinkerton displayed besides a fine lyrical tenor voice, the necessary arrogance to make his part authentic”

Sybille Forster-Rentmeister, (Echo Germanica)

November 3, 2011

“Tenor Romulo Delgado ( Pinkerton ) had all the money notes and sang with a nice Italianate timbre”

Joseph So, (Opera Canada)

August 2011

“Don Jose est incarné par le ténor Romulo Delgado…timbre sublime et musicalité exceptionnelle”

( Diapason )

June 22, 2010

“Romulo Delgado was an impressive Duke of Mantua, singing with ingratiating, Italianate tone”

Joseph K. So (Opera Canada)

March 29, 2010

Mississauga Living Arts Center

“Romulo Delgado brought to Pinkerton’s music a vigorous, free and lustrous tenor”

Ken Winters, (The Globe & Mail)

March 15, 2010

“Pinkerton, the cad of the piece must transmute from arrogant and unfeeling, to remorseful penitent so the role demands acting skills as well as vocal talent, Romulo Delgado possesses both. His tenor range shows no weakness at either end of his range and even his slight tendency to overplay can be forgiven”


March 7, 2010

Richmond Hill Center for the Performing Arts

“”My praise goes to tenor Romulo Delgado who has great vocal range and mellifluous sound as the Duke of Mantua and is capable to deliver a resounding character with his commanding voice””